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Vineyard Equipment:Concord Grape Pre-Pruner

Concord Grape Pre-Pruner

Introducing: The CG-100 Series, Concord Grape Pre-Pruner.

The LOVE CG Series 100 Pre-pruner is a hydraulically controlled mechanical pruner. It is designed to simulate the clean cut of a hand pruner as it lifts and extracts external lateral cane shoots and bull cane from single-curtain and double-curtain trellis systems. This promotes new bud growth above the cordon and discourages bud development below the cordon.

The LOVE CG Series 100 Pre-pruner is a side-mounted platform that can be mounted on a standard inter-row tractor or custom engineered to mount to a multi-function power unit. Operated by two hydraulic cylinders, the LOVE CG Series 100 Pre-pruner is raised or lowered to maintain the same height as the cordon on the trellis and cants to provide the operator options in managing larger areas of the cordon. The horizontal distance from the cordon is determined by the driver and adjusted by moving the tractor closer to or further from the trellis.

The LOVE CG Series 100 Pre-pruner features four stages in cutting the cane. First a set of steel tines lifts the overgrown cane from the cordon towards the pre-cutter blades. Next the pre-cutter blades cut the lateral cane shoots. The third stage consists of two counter-rotating drums with rubber quilled “fingers” reaching into the remaining cane to align new and old growth. In the fourth and final stage, the finish-cutter blades cut the cane to a 4-8 bud count. The forward motion of the tractor is balanced against the speed of cutting and desired pre-pruning effect. Average tractor speed is 176 feet per minute (@ 2 mph).




Height                              49 ˝”

Width                               44 “

Length                              36 “

Weight                              500 pounds

Height extension range             32 inches

Cantor range of motion             30 degrees

Hydraulic operating pressures    450psi (no load), 500-800psi (underload)

Variable speed controls             3.5-6gpm (adapts to variety of ground speeds)





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